Friday, December 12, 2008

Update on Dylan!

Dylan will be in the hospital until Monday or Tuesday, then he will come home with a pic line and I will give him his meds through that until they think he is done, hopefully it will be out before the Harrison Party!

They believe the blood from his lungs is from the lung damage that he has. Thank you to everyone that has gone to visit him, he gets so bored in there!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Holidays Suck!

What is it with the end of the year holidays? Every Stinkin Year we go through some sort of trial, can't we just get through ONE year where nothing goes wrong? Dyl is back in the hospital! We went earlier this week and we thought we lucked out and got to go home, but no.... last night he had to go back, We don't know why yet but he keeps coughing up blood, he feels fine, No fever, No nothing, just coughing up blood. (Yes, I know he has CF but they are not sure yet why this keeps happening.) This is why they kept him last time, and they didn't figure it out then either. Ahhhh!!!! It is just so frustrating! Sorry, I just had to get it off my chest, I couldn't sleep so I thought I would get on the computer, bad move I guess. Oh well, I will keep you posted.

Monday, November 3, 2008

The Recession! A Good Thing?

I think this Recession is kinda a good thing! It is time that people get back to reality! We have gone so far over board on stuff, that people don't think that they can live without it and they forget about what is really important! Now we are paying the price, but we will be fine! Don't worry about all the "STUFF", you guys it's not the toys, and the expensive cars. Its loving each other! Being Kind! Respecting each other! Not Judging each other! I will not vote this year......I can see good and bad in every single person and issue. I don't trust either Obama or McCain, I was stressing so I decided it doesn't matter either way, as long as we remember what is important! Let God work it out! (he's gonna anyway!) I am so proud of my kids, You are all pretty thrifty and creative, I am so impressed with all of you! I see you canning, and doing furniture restoration, painting, doing without things (that I don't want to do without,) like cable and internet and cars, Etc. We will be fine! don't worry about Christmas presents, and all the hype, we don't NEED any of it, just the basics!
Now that I have totally gone off! I love you all and I really am proud of all of you!

Monday, October 6, 2008

The Cafe!

Charles went up to Dubois in Sept. and I finally got a picture of how it looks after he painted it! Looks pretty good! (Thank you Brandy for driving up there and taking the picture!)

Monday, September 29, 2008

Friday, September 26, 2008

It's Autumn time!

Hooray! The heat is done! (I hope) I love summer cause I am out of school, but the heat SUCKS!! Next year this time I will be in Idaho:) I hear it is really nice there right now!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Dylans 1st Gig!

Dylan had his first real gig last night! It was at the Moose Lodge in Cabazon. He did a fantastic job, Dylan has a real talent for drawing the crowd in, (and he didn't have the best crowd,) but he did a real good job, and made like $60 dollars in tips!

Matt Bossolono plays the bass, and Dylan sings and plays the other Guitar. (They could use a drummer, if anyone knows anyone!) but he is definitely on his way!

He has another one on Sept. 13 at the Moose Lodge again, I am looking forward to it!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Small Change in plans!

Opening 2009! We have decided to wait til Dylan graduates to take off to Idaho! I got over excited about starting the restaurant and wasn't thinking real clearly! We have bought the property, but will wait to go open it after Graduation, then things will be finished here and I will be free to go. It is still so exciting and I can't wait to get started but it will be there when we are ready!

Saturday, July 12, 2008

My Big Adventure!

Well, as some of you know, I am moving to Idaho, Charles and I have bought a little Cafe in a little town called Dubois (Du-Boys) it is a tiny little place with about 650 people in the town, they have no restaurant there at all and they are desperate for something other than what they can get at a gas station. The Cafe is right off the I-15 with nothing for an hour either way, between Idaho Falls and Montana. I am so excited to get up there and get started.

We plan to go up there by the beginning of August, Amber is going to rent my house and I am quitting my jobs and off we go! We will own it out right, so we have nothing to lose!

Here are some pictures of it so far, it will need a little TLC but that will be fun! It will be so hard to leave the babies, but this might be a once in a lifetime chance.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Did God create Evil?

I have not been able to get a good answer from anyone! If God created EVERYTHING then did he create evil? Satan is his son, so did he create him? Or is God the creator of the darkness AND the light? did he create it so that we would have to have opposition, so that we could choose what we liked best? And if he didn't create it then who did? Couldn't God wipe it out? I mean he IS GOD, RIGHT? I asked my home teacher and he didn't know, so he is checking into it for me! I would really like to hear your comments!

Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy 4th Of July!

We had fun watching the fireworks at Banning, Very Short, but the fun is going before and visiting with everyone. It was fun to see everyone like the Denmons, Almost all the Westbrooks, (I think Ben was the only one missing), Almost all of the Pattersons, including Christine, (she looks so good.) The Ugapos, some of the Hinches, We had enough members to have Sacrament Mtg. Andy and Yolanda came, Amber and Luke and the kids, Boo Bear and Dylan, it was fun, I love watching the kids faces when they shoot off the fireworks. Emma loved them, she didn't cry not once, and landon and Ammon thought it was great, but I think they loved the popper guns they got from Uncle Andy and Aunt Yolanda the very best!

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Happy Birthday Dylan!

Dylan turns 17 today, can you believe he is so old, what a rough ride huh? He is towering over me at 6'3, he is getting really good on the guitar, in fact cause he is unable to find a bass player he has decided to learn how to play the bass with his toes.
Dylan had a bright idea of having a concert on the roof of the house! It is very interesting having Dylan around, never a dull moment! I love him so much, he needs to slow down growing up!

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Schools Out for Summer!!!!!

Yeah, after a very long school year and with a very uncertain future, I am out for Summer!
I got to work with the most Awesome people! We have been hit by Arnolds Education Cuts, and it just so happens that my job is one of 3 that are being cut. However, because of my being in the district so many years, they have put me high on the seniority list and I can bump one of the other aides! I really hate the idea of bumping someone out of a job, but I really need this second job, so I will probably bump!
Oh Well, that is for another day, as for today! SCHOOLS OUT!!!! Yessss!

Saturday, June 7, 2008

She Did It!!!!

Last night Brandy graduated from Banning! Whoo Hoo!! She was the most beautiful graduate there!! Now she plans to start at Crafton and start working on a degree in Bio-Chemistry, and eventually work in the field of Zoology!

All her brothers and sisters were there except for Britton and Todd, we will forgive you this time! Maybe!!

After graduation we all came to the house and had pizza and cake. She did a great job at school getting all A's and B's. Banning Independant Study actually is a real good program and she had a very good teacher who took a lot of interest in Brandy and her future, Thank you to Ms. Rote.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Brandy's Graduation!

Brandy did it! She is graduating! The Graduation is on June 6th at 6:00 at the Banning High School Gymnasium, No tickets are needed so if you want to come, please do! Sit on the North side and you will see her better.

I am so proud of her, she has worked so hard and now it is paying off, she has been on Independent Study, for the last 2 years so she has done all her work on her own, I have been so impressed with her.

I love her so much and I hate to see my sweet little girl grow up so fast! The first picture is when she graduated from head start, and look at her now, she is so beautiful!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Drug Prices!

I just wanted you all to know something! I always thought the stores drug prices were regulated by the government, BULL!!! I have been paying $160.00 dollars a month for one of my medicines, (I have been doing this for a few years,) well I saw on the news that each store charges what they want! Rite Aid is the most expensive of all the pharmacies, this particular medicine is only $68.00 at The Medicine Shoppe! BE CAREFUL!

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Brandy is turning "18"

Well my baby girl is not a baby anymore:( Sweet. Sweet Brandy is turning 18!! How fun for her but sad for me! This day I have been dreading for so long, I don't want my baby to grow up and go away!

Let me tell you about Brandy! She is one of the sweetest most beautiful girls I know, and I mean that sincerely, not only on the outside, but on the inside as well! I love her so much!! She keeps me sane!

I love to go shopping with her, it is such a kick to watch how people, especially men, react when they see her! their jaws drop and they do double takes, they run into poles, one guy almost crashed his motorcycle, (It always boosts my ego, cause she has part of me in her.) It is very scary also, when she was like 15 and 16 she looked much older and she is so beautiful, men would check her out, so I would tell them "She's only 15" and it was hilarious to see their faces!!

She is very smart too, she seems to have her head on straight, she has never done anything bad, she is quiet and sweet and funny, I hate that she grew up so fast!

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mothers Day!

Look at the beautiful dress I got from my girls for Mothers Day! Isn't it beautiful?

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Dylans Big Crash!

Dylan was riding his skateboard really fast when the trucks broke on his skateboard! He hit the pavement so hard that he had to get 8 stiches and broke 8 of his big molars in the back of his mouth, he will need 4 root canals since he broke them down to the nerves, he can't have solid food for 4-5 days and he is hurting pretty bad, but he will have some great battle scars to brag about!

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Fun in the garden!

Our Vegatables are starting to be ready, each day the boys go to the snap peas and look for the ones ready to eat, they pop them in their mouths for a yummy treat! and healthy too. Our Strawberries are sweet and yummy and the tomatos are getting bigger, landon eats the lettuce and mint from the yard, all the time!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Grandmas got a Brand New Car!!

After much Heartache I gave in and traded in my truck! I just couldn't keep up with the gas! And I don't see gas going down any time soon! Well, I absolutely Hate shopping for cars, cause I always get jacked, so with Much Needed and Much Appreciated help from Andy, I got a brand new 2009 Toyota Camry, Isn't it Pretty, It is so weird driving this as compared to the truck, I used to have to push kinda hard on the gas to get it to move, cause it was a tank, but this car, if you push on the gas you take off, It's Fun! I really hope I don't get a ticket!

It was nice, I just looked around and found cars I liked and Andy did all the financial Crap! All I had to do was sign the papers! I am so grateful to Andy for doing that for me!

Anyway you will all have to come check it out! It is SWEET!!

Thursday, February 28, 2008

If the Savior stood beside me!

This year for the Primary Program there is such a beautiful song called "If the Savior stood beside me" (It is on my playlist.) I have been thinking how to teach it to the primary kids, First I asked Sam to paint me one, but he is so busy with work and the new baby that he didn't have time. So, I found a life sized Jesus to use as a visual. He is 6'2, Here is a picture of Landon standing beside him.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Congratulations to Pres. Hinkley!

After so much time serving us, he has gotten to go home!

Picking Pumpkins

Picking Pumpkins
We got to go pick pumpkins at Grandpas pumpkin patch

Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween
Dylan, John Sauer and his friend Matt

Class of 2008

Class of 2008
Brandys a Senior!

Kissing Cousins

Kissing Cousins
Landon and Shane

Landon riding horses at Aunt Brandys Work

Great Grandpa and Emma!

Little Cowboy Ammon

Emma Kylie Cawthon (Ambers)

Emma Kylie Cawthon (Ambers)
isn't she a cutie pie!

Our Little Ammon