Sunday, July 20, 2008

Small Change in plans!

Opening 2009! We have decided to wait til Dylan graduates to take off to Idaho! I got over excited about starting the restaurant and wasn't thinking real clearly! We have bought the property, but will wait to go open it after Graduation, then things will be finished here and I will be free to go. It is still so exciting and I can't wait to get started but it will be there when we are ready!

Saturday, July 12, 2008

My Big Adventure!

Well, as some of you know, I am moving to Idaho, Charles and I have bought a little Cafe in a little town called Dubois (Du-Boys) it is a tiny little place with about 650 people in the town, they have no restaurant there at all and they are desperate for something other than what they can get at a gas station. The Cafe is right off the I-15 with nothing for an hour either way, between Idaho Falls and Montana. I am so excited to get up there and get started.

We plan to go up there by the beginning of August, Amber is going to rent my house and I am quitting my jobs and off we go! We will own it out right, so we have nothing to lose!

Here are some pictures of it so far, it will need a little TLC but that will be fun! It will be so hard to leave the babies, but this might be a once in a lifetime chance.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Did God create Evil?

I have not been able to get a good answer from anyone! If God created EVERYTHING then did he create evil? Satan is his son, so did he create him? Or is God the creator of the darkness AND the light? did he create it so that we would have to have opposition, so that we could choose what we liked best? And if he didn't create it then who did? Couldn't God wipe it out? I mean he IS GOD, RIGHT? I asked my home teacher and he didn't know, so he is checking into it for me! I would really like to hear your comments!

Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy 4th Of July!

We had fun watching the fireworks at Banning, Very Short, but the fun is going before and visiting with everyone. It was fun to see everyone like the Denmons, Almost all the Westbrooks, (I think Ben was the only one missing), Almost all of the Pattersons, including Christine, (she looks so good.) The Ugapos, some of the Hinches, We had enough members to have Sacrament Mtg. Andy and Yolanda came, Amber and Luke and the kids, Boo Bear and Dylan, it was fun, I love watching the kids faces when they shoot off the fireworks. Emma loved them, she didn't cry not once, and landon and Ammon thought it was great, but I think they loved the popper guns they got from Uncle Andy and Aunt Yolanda the very best!

Picking Pumpkins

Picking Pumpkins
We got to go pick pumpkins at Grandpas pumpkin patch

Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween
Dylan, John Sauer and his friend Matt

Class of 2008

Class of 2008
Brandys a Senior!

Kissing Cousins

Kissing Cousins
Landon and Shane

Landon riding horses at Aunt Brandys Work

Great Grandpa and Emma!

Little Cowboy Ammon

Emma Kylie Cawthon (Ambers)

Emma Kylie Cawthon (Ambers)
isn't she a cutie pie!

Our Little Ammon