Thursday, February 28, 2008

If the Savior stood beside me!

This year for the Primary Program there is such a beautiful song called "If the Savior stood beside me" (It is on my playlist.) I have been thinking how to teach it to the primary kids, First I asked Sam to paint me one, but he is so busy with work and the new baby that he didn't have time. So, I found a life sized Jesus to use as a visual. He is 6'2, Here is a picture of Landon standing beside him.

Picking Pumpkins

Picking Pumpkins
We got to go pick pumpkins at Grandpas pumpkin patch

Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween
Dylan, John Sauer and his friend Matt

Class of 2008

Class of 2008
Brandys a Senior!

Kissing Cousins

Kissing Cousins
Landon and Shane

Landon riding horses at Aunt Brandys Work

Great Grandpa and Emma!

Little Cowboy Ammon

Emma Kylie Cawthon (Ambers)

Emma Kylie Cawthon (Ambers)
isn't she a cutie pie!

Our Little Ammon